Togo: CNSS raises staff salaries

Since January 1, the salaries of employees of the National Social Security Fund (CNSS) have seen a 5% increase, according to a note from the general management made public. The salary adjustment for this state-owned company falls within the framework of social assistance to the staff.
Employees of CNSS can celebrate the beginning of the year, as their salaries have been increased by 5% «…effective from January 1st».
«This salary increase includes the support of the staff by the general management in covering the contribution rates of Universal Health Insurance», detailed Ingrid Awade.
An imperative
In many countries, the law obliges employers to register with the administration responsible for social protection.
This registration allows employees to benefit from social assistance services and to be entitled to a retirement pension.
In Togo, employers must register with the National Social Security Fund (CNSS) to obtain a registration number and a social insurance card. Once registered, the employer can enroll its employees.