In Burkina Faso, a new class of over 300 non-commissioned officers ready to serve as military reinforcements

On February 9, 2023, the Burkinabe nation proudly celebrated the graduation of the 15th promotion of Active Non-Commissioned Officers (ESOA), affectionately known as “Tongré,” from the National School of Active Non-Commissioned Officers (ENSOA).

The solemn ceremony, presided over by Commander Tibila Sawadogo, honored the 311 students, including 10 women, marking the culmination of two years of intensive training focused on developing moral, physical, intellectual, and technical aptitudes essential to their roles within the Burkinabe armed forces.

These future non-commissioned officers are now prepared to serve their homeland alongside their comrades in arms, forming essential links in the chain of command of the Burkinabe armed forces, as highlighted by Battalion Commander Boubacar Dadian, ENSOA’s commanding officer.

Colonel Théophile Nikièma, Chief of Staff of the Army, delivered a speech imbued with responsibility and duty to the new recruits.

He recommended that the students draw inspiration from their promotion’s name and the exemplary journey of their patron, Commander Tibila Sawadogo.

The Colonel emphasized the importance of discipline, personal commitment, and character strength in carrying out their duties as guardians of national security.

Sergeant Gnoumou B. Olivier, the promotion’s delegate, expressed the determination of the 15th promotion to serve the nation with honor and loyalty, ready to face all challenges, including the ultimate sacrifice, for the preservation of the integrity of the national territory.

Under the presidency of the Minister of National Defense and Veterans, Brigadier General Kassoum Coulibaly, the promotion graduation ceremony featured solemn moments, including the promotion’s baptism, the handing over of the flag to the 16th promotion, and a military parade.

These events underscored the unwavering commitment of the Burkinabe armed forces to the protection and defense of the nation.


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