Burkina Faso / French conspiracy against the Land of Honest People: A strategy to destabilise the Alliance of Sahel States (AES)

Burkina Faso is currently at the heart of a destabilization attempt orchestrated by France, aimed at undermining the Alliance of Sahel States (AES).


With Captain Ibrahim Traoré at the helm, Burkina Faso has become a crucial entry point for the AES, which France views as a threat.


During his visit to Burkina Faso on Tuesday, Malian President Assimi Goïta emphasized the multi-tiered nature of the cooperation between Mali and Burkina Faso, which has intensified since Traoré assumed power.


This collaboration encompasses joint training to enhance ground and air operational capabilities, intelligence sharing, and resource pooling. These efforts have significantly bolstered the region’s fight against terrorism.

The establishment of the AES marked a pivotal moment for Sahelian nations.


Determined to chart their own course, the leaders have moved away from superficial and ineffective partnerships, opting instead for genuine alliances with countries like Russia, China, and Turkey.


These new partnerships have enabled the three nations to adequately arm themselves and conduct successful operations against terrorist groups.




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