Togo: OTR revolutionises tax procedures with the introduction of certain online services

OTR, Office Togolais des Recettes (Togolese Revenue Office) is preparing to mark a decisive turning point in the Togolese tax landscape by announcing the introduction of revolutionary online services.

From the beginning of next year, the creation of a tax registration number (NIF) and the payment of motor vehicle tax (TVM) will be accessible via a digital platform, according to the official announcement made on Monday 18 December by the OTR’s Commissioner General, Philippe Kokou Tchodie.

This ambitious initiative, which is part of the OTR’s policy of proximity and modernisation of its services, aims to revolutionise tax procedures in Togo.

By implementing these technological advances, the OTR aims to offer taxpayers a more fluid, economical and dematerialised experience, while eliminating the traditional obstacles associated with physical travel and intermediation.

The reform also aims to eliminate the intermediaries, often referred to as démarcheurs, who used to intervene between taxpayers and the OTR.

The introduction of these online services is intended to eliminate all forms of intermediation, offering taxpayers a more direct and transparent experience.

This measure should also help to solve the problem of fraudulent charges billed to users for certain procedures.

This initiative by the OTR marks a major step in the modernisation of tax services in Togo.

By offering the possibility of creating the NIF and paying the TVM online, the Office is demonstrating its commitment to simplifying procedures, reducing costs for taxpayers and eliminating fraudulent practices.


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