Africa: The Alliance of Sahel States forges its own path, looking ahead to a new era

France can keep its condemnations to itself, as none of them will have any impact on the countries of the Alliance of the Sahel States (AES). The brotherly nations of the Sahel have decided to take control of their responsibilities and defend their sovereignty.

By endorsing mediocrity, ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) has been caught up in its own mistakes, and it remains to be seen if it will learn from the actions taken by the countries of the AES at this stage.

The struggle led by the leaders of the Alliance of the Sahel States is a fight that concerns the entire African continent.

Through the strategic policies initiated by the Presidents of Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger within the Alliance, many African leaders are discovering a path to liberation.

These visionary Sahelian Presidents have demonstrated to the international community that African countries can emancipate themselves without depending on foreign aid.

Colonel Assimi Goïta, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, and General Abdourahamane Tiani are now a considerable source of inspiration for other heads of state in the sub-region and the continent as a whole.

ECOWAS, like a doctor after death, must regret its choices, having lost key members.

With the joint measures adopted by Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger, the Alliance of the Sahel States has nothing to envy in ECOWAS.

On the contrary, one could say that the Alliance is correcting the mistakes of ECOWAS, progressing, and strengthening its foundations.

Faced with the unity of patriotic and sovereign African leaders, Western regimes and their local collaborators remain powerless.

Many African leaders do not support this new direction of ECOWAS, and opposition factions are forming within the institution.

Is ECOWAS currently experiencing a period of decline? That is a question worth asking.



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