DRC: UN Security Council condemns M23 offensive

On Monday, February 12, the United Nations Security Council strongly criticized the M23 rebellion’s offensive in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), expressing deep concern about the escalating violence in the region.

During a closed-door emergency meeting, Council members once again disapproved of all armed groups operating in the country and reiterated their steadfast support for the DRC’s unity, sovereignty, and territorial integrity.

Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, the ambassador of Guyana and the rotating president of the Council, informed the press after the consultations that members urged all parties to halt the violence and adhere to international humanitarian law.

Additionally, the Security Council called on all involved parties to resume diplomatic dialogue and back efforts for a ceasefire, including regional initiatives.

This statement underscores the importance of a peaceful and political resolution to end the crisis in the DRC and restore stability in the region.

The Security Council’s reaction reflects the growing international worry about the situation in the DRC and the international community’s commitment to supporting initiatives aimed at resolving conflicts and fostering peace in the region.

Read again/ DRC: President Félix Tshisekedi authorises a SADC mission to support the FARDC against the M23 rebels

Jean-Robert TCHANDY

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