Mali: Visit by the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces to strengthen ties with troops on the ground

Following the meeting of the Chiefs of Staff of the Sahel States Alliance (AES), General Oumar DIARRA, Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces, visited Sectors 1, 3, and 4 of Operation Maliko on March 7th and 8th, 2024, to strengthen ties with troops on the ground.

The purpose of this visit was to convey a message of encouragement from the authorities, remind the Defense and Security Forces of their missions, and emphasize the importance of discipline.

The main objective was also to share the willingness of the AES authorities to pool resources for effective security of people and property, while keeping the troops informed about the overall security situation.

In Gao, Timbuktu, and Mopti, General DIARRA was received by local authorities for courtesy visits, where the Defense and Security Forces were commended for their dedication.

During meetings with the troops, General DIARRA congratulated the commands for their efforts in securing the territory, urging them to redouble their efforts against terrorism.

He emphasized the importance of discipline, cohesion, and vigilance within the Defense and Security Forces.

The commands expressed their satisfaction with this visit from the hierarchy, demonstrating their commitment to the country’s stability.

They assured that the actions of the Defense and Security Forces would contribute to the return of peace and administration across the entire territory.

In Gao, the Chief of General Staff visited the victims of a recent terrorist attack, demonstrating his proximity to the troops.

This visit allowed the troops to better understand the authorities’ directives and receive guidance for the success of operations in Mali.


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