Algerian U20 Coach Yacine Manaa apologizes following Player altercation

Algerian U20 National Team Coach Yacine Manaa finds himself embroiled in controversy following an incident during a friendly match against Tunisia, where he reportedly slapped two of his players. The altercation has sparked outrage among fans, who are calling for sanctions against the coach.

However, in an interview with the Algerian Football Federation, Manaa has issued a public apology.

«I want to extend my apologies to the Algerian people who witnessed the video, as well as to the parents of the players involved», he expressed remorsefully.

«I made a mistake. Only God is infallible. I believe one must be in my position on the field to understand my actions. I should not have reacted in that manner. I hope the parents of these players will forgive me».

The incident has stirred debate within the football community, with many questioning the appropriateness of Manaa’s actions.

Calls for disciplinary action against the coach have intensified, while others have expressed sympathy for the pressures faced by coaches in high-stakes matches.

The Algerian Football Federation has yet to release an official statement regarding potential repercussions for Manaa.


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