Mali: Increased support for cotton growers under the presidency of Colonel Assimi GOÏTA

In a recent meeting with the Confederation of Cotton Producers of Mali, President of the Transition, Colonel Assimi GOÏTA, reaffirmed his steadfast support for the nation’s agriculture and cotton industry.

This gathering underscored the substantial progress made since Colonel GOÏTA assumed power, highlighting several key initiatives aimed at bolstering the sector.

Producers conveyed their gratitude for the significant subsidies that have markedly improved their working conditions.

They also commended the annual increase in cotton prices, a measure deemed essential for ensuring the economic sustainability of the producers.

This year, the price has been set at 300 CFA francs per kilogram.

The meeting also tackled ongoing challenges, such as delays in payments to producers.

President GOÏTA provided reassurances, promising that measures would be implemented to ensure timely payments for all producers.

This engagement illustrates the Transitional Government’s dedication to supporting the agricultural sector and addressing the concerns of cotton producers effectively.

The Confederation of Cotton Producers of Mali expressed their satisfaction and optimism about the ongoing collaboration with the authorities, aiming for the sustainable development of the cotton industry.

Read again: Mali/Launch ceremony for the construction of the ginning plant in Kokofata: A CMDT strategic project to increase cotton production capacity





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