Burkina Faso/Counter-terrorism: Several other criminals entrenched in the enemy camp

Burkina Faso’s fighting forces remain ever vigilant, undeterred by the daily threats posed by their adversaries. With unyielding determination, they relentlessly hunt down criminals hiding deep within the bush.
Those who believed they had found safe havens have been caught off guard by the tactical expertise of the nation’s ground and air units.
In recent days, reports confirm the elimination of numerous terrorists by these brave combatants.
Across regions such as the Boucle du Mouhoun, Hauts-Bassins, the North, Center-North, and the Sahel, counterterrorism operations have been carried out with precision, calm, and dedication.
Beyond neutralizing insurgents, the forces have destroyed terrorist strongholds and seized significant amounts of usable weapons and logistical equipment.
These operations have dealt another heavy blow to armed groups and their backers, who continue to fund and support criminal activities in the region.
This success is the result of seamless coordination between aerial operations and ground units, including the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) and the Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP).
Together, they demonstrate a steadfast commitment to uprooting terrorism and defending their homeland against those seeking to exploit its natural wealth.
These efforts align with President Captain Ibrahim Traoré’s directive to accelerate and intensify military operations.
To this end, the government has been providing the necessary resources and support, ensuring that the forces are well-equipped to secure a decisive victory for Burkina Faso, the Land of Upright People.