Colonel Assimi GOÏTA, President of the Transition, visits the Crisis and Disaster Coordination Centre

Colonel Assimi GOÏTA, the President of the Transitional Government in Mali, recently conducted an inspection of the Centre for Coordination and Management of Crises and Disasters (CECOGEC), a critical institution responsible for handling national emergencies, operating under the authority of the Prime Minister.


During this visit, Colonel GOÏTA was accompanied by Prime Minister Dr. Choguel Kokalla MAÏGA, Colonel Malick DIAW, President of the National Transitional Council, and several government officials.


The inspection comes at a pivotal time as the country faces severe flooding in multiple regions.


The CECOGEC plays a crucial role in coordinating the state’s response to natural disasters. The President’s visit aimed to assess the center’s current capabilities and identify areas where improvements are needed to better safeguard the population.


The attendance of top government officials during this visit underscores the importance placed on effective crisis management.


Colonel GOÏTA emphasized the necessity for a swift and coordinated response to emergencies and reiterated his government’s commitment to enhancing CECOGEC’s operational capacities.


In his discussions with the center’s leadership, President GOÏTA stressed the need to strengthen community resilience to natural disasters, highlighting the importance of continuous team training and upgrading infrastructure to ensure more effective crisis management.



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