Togo: The Togolese Government’s efforts in the fight against cybercrime, a remarkable step forward

Togo has now become a reference point in cybersecurity across the African continent. According to the 2024 Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI) report published by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the country has climbed into the top 10 African nations, achieving an impressive score of 88.8 points. This rapid rise, placing Togo in the “Advancing” (Tier 2) group, reflects the significant efforts made by the government to strengthen cybersecurity, with the ambition of becoming a regional leader.

Under the leadership of the Ministry of Digital Economy and Digitalization, the Togolese government has taken decisive measures to combat cybercrime. The operationalization of the National Cybersecurity Agency (ANCy) and the creation of Cyber Defense Africa (CDA) demonstrate this proactive approach. These entities play a central role in coordinating prevention, monitoring, and response actions against cyberattacks. In collaboration with partners such as Asseco Data Systems S.A., the country has equipped itself with robust infrastructures and a skilled workforce capable of addressing complex cyber threats.

The Togolese government has also implemented legislative reforms to strengthen its legal framework by adopting laws governing digital activities and strictly punishing cyber offenses. A focus on capacity-building has led to training programs for law enforcement, judges, and digital specialists. This initiative is supported by enhanced cooperation with international organizations and partner countries, further solidifying Togo’s position in the global fight against cybercrime.

These efforts are part of a broader strategy to make Togo a regional cybersecurity hub while protecting citizens and businesses from growing cyber threats. Through this innovative and determined approach, the country is positioning itself not only as an African model but also as a global player in cybersecurity.

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