Mali/Kidal: The FAMa have finally taken up position in the town of Kidal

The announcement was made on Tuesday 14 November by the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces. According to his statement, the Malian military forces mobilised for the town of Kidal have finally taken up their positions.

After fierce battles fought by the FAMa against terrorist groups in the Kidal area, they have succeeded in pushing the enemy back, to finally carve out a place for themselves, and effectively carry out their operations to secure the population, but also offensive operations against this enemy who never gives up.

All in all, the Malian fighters have prepared themselves to the utmost to face these criminals with courage and self-sacrifice.

Kidal, which has been under siege for years by Tuareg rebels, will now be able to breathe, the FAMa has assured us.

In the press release, the Malian Army’s Chief of General Staff called on the population of the town of Kidal to remain calm and serene.

He affirmed that all measures have been taken to ensure their safety.

Read also:  Mali: Malian forces continue their advance in Kidal

Titi Keita

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