Togo: The 9th Pan-African Congress promises Pan-African renewal from 22 to 25 October next

The diplomatic scene is lighting up as Togo prepares to host the 9th Pan-African Congress from 22 to 25 October 2024 in Lomé. Preparatory work has already begun in Pretoria, South Africa, with the active participation of Togo’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Professor Robert Dussey.

The regional preparatory conference for the countries of Southern Africa, which took place from 4 to 5 December 2023, was an opportunity for participants to discuss the central theme of the congress: «Pan-Africanism, science, knowledge and technology».

This first regional conference marks the start of a series of five others, all aimed at effectively preparing the work of the Congress in Lomé.

The aim of these regional conferences is to generate concrete proposals that will be submitted to the participants at the Congress in Lomé.

They also aim to facilitate South-South cooperation in the various aspects of the chosen theme.

Professor Robert Dussey, as a fervent defender of Pan-Africanism, shared his experience and vision at this conference with his counterparts from southern Africa.

«After the launch ceremony of the 9th Pan-African Congress presided over by Mrs Victoire TOMEGAH-DOGBE, Prime Minister, Head of Government, on behalf of His Excellency Faure Essozimna GNASSINGBE, President of the Togolese Republic on 22 May last, we held the first of the 6 regional preparatory conferences for the Southern African Zone of the 9th Pan-African Congress in Lomé 2024 on the theme: “Pan-Africanism, science, knowledge and technology” in South Africa. This will be followed by 5 other preparatory conferences on different themes», said Minister Dussey on his social networks.

The 9th Lomé Congress marks an important milestone, being the fourth of its kind to be held on the continent, after Dar es Salaam, Kampala and Johannesburg.

It is a celebration of Pan-Africanism, knowledge and technology, deployed with the ambition of shaping a resolutely united and prosperous African future. Stay tuned for exclusive updates on this historic event in Lomé.


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