MCC-Funded Projects in Togo achieve milestones in ICT and LRAP initiatives

In a recent update from the Implementing Agency of the Millennium Challenge Account-Togo (OMCA-Togo), positive strides have been reported in the implementation of two projects financed by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), a US agency. These projects, integral to the MCC’s threshold program, align closely with the objectives outlined by the Togolese government.
The project targeting the enhancement of competition, independent regulation, and expanded access within the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector has seen noteworthy progress.
OMCA has reached significant milestones, including the fortification of sector authorities and stakeholders, the broadening of access to ICT services, the enhancement of competitiveness, and the support of policies fostering ICT utilization.
As of November 30, 2023, studies have been successfully completed, with 32% of the project committed and 19% of funds disbursed.
Future endeavors include finalizing ongoing studies, initiating the optional phase of planned actions, launching pilot phases for community internet, connecting schools and health facilities, and operationalizing the digital transformation fund.
Simultaneously, the Land Reforms to Increase Agricultural Productivity (LRAP) project has made considerable headway.
The management team has completed the mapping of rural land and geo-referencing of plot boundaries in pilot areas such as Tchamba, Zio, Wawa, Dankpen, and Oti Sud.
The actions outlined within this framework aim to establish effective mechanisms for managing and resolving land-related conflicts in the country.
Brice Messanh