Opening of the first session of the CCA-SE in Ouagadougou: Towards enhanced governance of state-owned companies

The first ordinary session of the Consultation Framework for the Administrators of State-Owned Companies and Public Social Security Institutions. (CCA-SE) was held in Ouagadougou on the afternoon of Tuesday 12 December 2023, under the chairmanship of Fidèle Ilboudo, Secretary General of the Ministry of Industrial Development, Trade, Crafts and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MDICAPME).
This meeting follows on from the 29th General Meeting of State-Owned Companies (AG-SE), held on 25 and 26 June 2021, which instructed the MDICAPME, by Resolution No. 50/2021/AG-SE of 26 June 2021, to set up a framework for consultation among the directors of state-owned companies.
The purpose of this framework is to facilitate the sharing of experience and to promote «best practices» in governance with a view to continuously improving the governance and management of these entities.
The current session aims to launch the process of making this framework operational.
The participants are tasked with adopting the founding texts of the CCA-SE and providing the organisation with steering bodies by electing the members of the executive committee.
They will also examine and adopt the CCA-SE’s draft programme of activities and budget for 2024.
The Secretary General of the MDICAPME said that the board to be set up would consist of 5 members, with a one-year mandate.
In his speech, he encouraged them to adopt an «inclusive and participatory» approach to the implementation of activities in order to promote the growth of the framework.
Olivier TOE