The Bishops’ explanations for those who feel betrayed by the Pope

The document «Fiducia Supplicans» by Pope Francis does not address the blessing of same-sex marriages. Instead, it is directed towards those who have initiated the blessing of same-sex marriages and have even established official blessing rites for them.

According to the Conference of Bishops in Togo, this declaration is far from being an approval or sacramental validation of unions between individuals of the same sex. It does not challenge the Church’s teachings on marriage.

Among the many questions submitted to the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, one crucial query was whether ministers of God can or cannot give blessings to everyone, regardless of their status.

The response to this fundamental question inspired the title given to the document: «Declaration on the Pastoral Significance of Blessings».

In their clarification issued on December 20, 2023, the Bishops of Togo emphasize that the Church has always given ordinary non-liturgical blessings to anyone who requests them.

However, caution must be exercised to ensure that these blessings are not interpreted as a liturgical or semi-liturgical act, similar to a sacrament.

The prelates of Togo refer to the Bible for further clarification. According to the Bible and the teachings of the Church, homosexuality, which refers to relationships between men or women who experience sexual attraction exclusively or predominantly towards individuals of the same sex, is presented as a serious depravity, intrinsically disordered.

Because it goes against natural law and closes the sexual act to the gift of life, it cannot receive approval under any circumstances.

Regarding the blessing of same-sex couples, the Bishops of Togo recommend that priests refrain from such actions.


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