Burkina Faso/Transition: Destabilisation plans still in the pipeline

The adversaries of the nation persist in their attempts, hoping to find a loophole and successfully execute their plans against Captain Ibrahim Traoré’s transition, seemingly for the benefit of France and its allies. Various strategies are employed, with a new one immediately initiated when the previous one fails.

The unfolding events in the Land of the honest people have vindicated those who tirelessly keep the public informed about potential plots day and night.

Warnings about destabilization plans for Burkina Faso are issued on every possible occasion to allow the target of the conspirators to take necessary precautions.

Following the discovery and arrest of four (04) French spies in Burkina Faso involved in a destabilization and assassination plan targeting the transitional presidents (Captain Ibrahim Traoré and General Abdourahamane Tiani), a second plan is reportedly in the works.

According to reliable sources, the military regime of Captain Traoré is expected to fall by January.

If not, internal elements within Burkina Faso are said to come into play starting the second week of January 2024.

These include the same union leaders who sought to sow chaos last November. Allegedly, they have promised external enemies to succeed this time by exploiting Captain Ibrahim Traoré’s call for increased contributions.

In late November, the transitional president called for more effort and sacrifice in supporting the fight against terrorism.

The unionists’ strategy appears to be aimed at demoralizing and discouraging the population, especially inciting revolt against the transitional authorities.

The Burkinabe population is thus urged to maintain vigilance, increase awareness, and remain united and cohesive.

Since the enemy opposes Burkina Faso’s success and seeks the downfall of the transition to regain control and besiege the country.


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