Togo / Responsive leadership from President Faure Gnassingbé: Emergency measures mobilised after the devastating fire in Agoè-Assiyéyé Market

In the aftermath of the recent fire tragedy that ravaged the Agoè-Assiyéyé market, President Faure Gnassingbé immediately took charge of the situation by ordering emergency measures. Guided by a deep concern for the affected traders, the head of state instituted a rapid deployment of mitigation measures, demonstrating his commitment to alleviate the consequences of this catastrophe and enable an informed resumption of commercial activities.

In this context, strategic meetings took place between the ministers of financial inclusion and trade, the country’s microfinance officials, and representatives of the Professional Association of Decentralized Financial Systems (APSFD).

This proactive response illustrates the President and his government’s commitment to act swiftly and effectively to aid the victims of this devastating fire.

Concrete actions were discussed in meetings between the ministers, Mazamesso Assih and Rose Kayi Mivedor, and representatives of the APSFD, which comprises sixty structures.

 Among the contemplated measures is the deferral of payment deadlines and the renewal of loans, demonstrating the government’s commitment to supporting the traders during this challenging period.

Ange Ketor, president of the APSFD, emphasized the importance of reassuring and comforting the traders.

 He insisted on the need to make thoughtful decisions, taking into account the business relationships established over the years.

«Nothing will be done hastily; these are business relationships of many years, and we will not rush onto them, especially as they are in difficulty. We will work on a case-by-case basis on the situations so that activities can restart», he detailed after the exchanges.

While the situation remains concerning, microfinance actors have already committed to working together to alleviate the crisis.

Additional discussions are planned, demonstrating the government’s determination to ensure financial stability and the recovery of traders affected by this tragedy.

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