Niger / Security: Government support for the Manga people in the Diffa region

On February 28, 2024, the Minister of State, for Home Affairs, Public Security, and Territorial Administration, General Mohamed Toumba, convened with the Mayors of the Diffa region to convey a message of government support amidst the people’s unwavering resolve against terrorism.

This visit by General Toumba was part of the 10th edition of Communes Day, which placed a spotlight on the country’s security challenges.

During this meeting, led by the National Council for the Safeguard of the People (CNSP), President Abdourahamane Tiani aimed to provide a comprehensive assessment of the overall security situation in the country, with a specific focus on Diffa.

General Toumba engaged in discussions with the Mayors, who play crucial roles on the ground, reflecting on the achievements in the ongoing fight against terrorism and transnational organized crime. The discourse also encompassed the vital theme of peace.

Minister of State Mohamed Toumba acknowledged the acute security challenges faced by Niger, emphasizing the continuous threat posed by malicious forces, resulting in significant casualties and adverse economic impacts, particularly in the Diffa region.

Expressing the commitment of the CNSP, Minister Toumba highlighted their dedication to prioritizing security and undertaking all necessary measures to safeguard citizens.

 He pointed out that security concerns played a pivotal role in the events of July 26, 2023.

While the Minister acknowledged some observed incursions in specific areas, he affirmed that the overall security situation was under control due to the unwavering determination of the Defense and Security Forces (FDS).

Nevertheless, recognizing the persistent threat, he emphasized the ongoing pursuit of the enemy until ultimate victory.

Titi Keita

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