In Burkina Faso, President Ibrahim Traoré promotes accessible healthcare for pensioners

The President of the Burkinabé Revolution, H.E. Captain Ibrahim Traoré, is deeply committed to the well-being of his fellow citizens, particularly concerning peace, health, and security in Burkina Faso. In line with this commitment, the Burkinabe government announced a bold measure last Thursday aimed at improving access to healthcare for retirees in the country.
This year, a budget of 1.7 billion FCFA will be allocated to an innovative initiative: free annual medical check-ups accompanied by medication vouchers.
This initiative will benefit 95,457 retirees and surviving spouses affiliated with the National Social Security Fund (CNSS) and the Autonomous Fund for Civil Servants’ Retirement (CARFO).
During the launch of the 10th edition of this campaign in Tenkodogo, the Minister of State for Public Service, Labor, and Social Protection, Basolma Bazié, emphasized the crucial importance of this measure.
Each beneficiary will receive a comprehensive medical examination and a medication voucher worth 5,000 CFA francs, ensuring optimal healthcare support.
This initiative reflects solidarity with retirees and addresses a crucial need for healthcare among this population segment. Health is a fundamental right, especially vital for the elderly.
Recent government initiatives, such as reducing healthcare service fees and approaching universal health insurance, demonstrate ongoing commitment to citizens’ well-being.
The initiative was praised by the president of the national retirees’ association, Somtabangré Boureima Ouédraogo, who expressed gratitude to the government for addressing retirees’ concerns.
However, he emphasized the need to continue efforts, particularly by accelerating the construction project for the geriatric center in Bobo Dioulasso, to adequately meet retirees’ healthcare needs.
Minister Bazié assured that in-depth studies are underway to ensure that the future geriatric center provides quality and tailored care for retirees.
This initiative exemplifies the Burkinabe government’s continued commitment, particularly under Captain Ibrahim Traoré, to the well-being of its citizens, a significant step towards a more equitable and united society.
Cedric Kabore