Burkina-Faso: People protest against US interference in their country’s internal affairs

Burkinabes remain united behind the leaders of the transition, as well as the fighting forces defending the national territory day and night at the risk of their lives. Therefore, there is no question that they should be subjected to false accusations. This is what the people threw in the face of the international community on Friday, May 3, by organizing a demonstration in front of the United States Embassy in Ouagadougou.

Hundreds of demonstrators, mostly composed of young people from the private sector, responded to the call of the Federation «Burkind Faangf meenga (liberation) of the Pan-Africanists», the initiator of this gathering.

 For these Burkinabes, the demonstration is a response to the reaction of the United States, which, together with the United Kingdom, supports the publication of a report by HRW accusing the Burkinabe army, stating that they are «seriously concerned» about the situation.

A reaction that the demonstrators qualify as interference in the internal affairs of Burkina, brandishing Russian and Burkinabe flags, and chanting anti-imperialist slogans.

«We have come to send a message to the Americans to stop these accusations against our armed forces who defend the country at the cost of their lives», explained Mahamadou Ouédraogo, spokesperson for the organizing association of the demonstration.

Indeed, while the investigation initiated by the Burkinabe authorities is underway to shed light on the events of April 25, the international NGO Human Rights Watch (HRW), as if on a mission, rushes to produce a defamatory report based on false testimonies on the case, accusing the combat forces of being responsible for this massacre.

Accusations that the Burkinabe people perceive with “consternation and astonishment,” said Soumaïlla Nana, spokesperson for the demonstrators.

Furthermore, the Chargé d’Affaires of the United States Embassy in Burkina Faso, Eric Whitaker, was summoned on Thursday on this subject.

A verbal note expressing the transitional government’s reaction to that declaration, was handed to him, and another verbal note was sent to the High Commission of the United Kingdom in Burkina Faso with residence in Accra, Ghana.



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