Burkina Faso: Towards a crucial decision on the extension of the transition wanted by the people

The vibrant forces of the Burkinabe nation are called upon to gather at the upcoming national conference scheduled for May 25th to 26th, 2024. This crucial meeting, as per a statement from the Ministry of Territorial Administration, will take place at the Ouaga 2000 Conference Hall.

The stakes of this conference are significant, as Burkina Faso seeks to solidify its democratic transition and lay the foundations for a stable and prosperous future for all its citizens.

The summoning of the nation’s active forces comes at a time when the country faces multiple challenges, particularly in political, economic, and security realms.

Participants will have the opportunity to discuss essential matters related to governance, security, socio-economic development, and peace consolidation.

The objective of these national conferences is to promote inclusive and participatory dialogue, allowing all stakeholders to express themselves and contribute to the development of concerted solutions for the country’s challenges.

It also aims to strengthen the sense of belonging and responsibility of every citizen in building a better Burkina Faso.

By mobilizing the nation’s vibrant forces, the Burkinabe government demonstrates its commitment to a transparent and inclusive democratic process.

These national conferences represent a crucial step in consolidating the political transition and enhancing democracy in Burkina Faso.


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