Burkina Faso/Effort for peace: President Ibrahim TRAORE’s appeal continues to inspire patriotic commitment

President Ibrahim Traoré’s call for a general mobilization and increased sacrifices from the Burkinabe people for self-financing and self-defense against terrorism has garnered diverse support for the patriotic support fund established in January 2023.

Burkinabè from both within the country and abroad continue to contribute various forms of support to this fund.

For instance, Burkinabè living in Libya, particularly in Sabha, as well as those residing in Equatorial Guinea, have respectively mobilized 900,000 CFA francs and 18,044,000 CFA francs in favour of the patriotic support fund.

This demonstrates their commitment to supporting the efforts of the country’s authorities and combat forces in the fight against terrorism and the restoration of peace in their homeland.

The Burkinabe have embraced President Ibrahim Traoré’s vision and remain committed because they are confident in the proper management of their contributions.

It is worth noting that thanks to the multiple contributions from the Burkinabè people, the country is building a strong military force both in terms of military logistics and professional capacities.

President Ibrahim Traoré’s security policy has significantly improved the security situation in Burkina Faso, yielding tangible results on the battlefield.

Just months after the regime of Captain Ibrahim Traoré came into power, the Burkinabè army successfully turned the tide, instilling fear in the enemy’s camp.

Sustaining this commitment from all peace-loving, stability-seeking, and freedom-loving Burkinabe will lead to a swift victory against the enemies of the bush and, consequently, bring shame to their allies and promoters.




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