Niger: In tribute to the victims of the Téra attack, the government declares three days of national mourning

On Tuesday, June 25th, around 9:00 AM, a detachment of the Nigerien Defense and Security Forces (FDS) conducting area patrols was attacked by a coalition of armed terrorist groups near the village of Tassia in the Téra region,” announced the Nigerien government in a statement.


In what was described as an act of extreme cowardice, 21 courageous Nigerien soldiers lost their lives.


In recognition of their sacrifice, national mourning will be observed for three days starting this Wednesday, June 26th.


Despite the tragic loss, the FDS successfully engaged and neutralized numerous assailants, while also destroying their vehicles, underscoring their resilience and bravery in the face of adversity.


Additional ground and air reinforcements have been deployed to pursue any remaining attackers and secure the region.


The Minister of National Defense conveyed heartfelt condolences to the families of the fallen soldiers and wished a swift recovery to the injured, on behalf of the President of the National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland (CNSP), Brigadier General Abdourahamane Tiani.


The declaration of a three-day national mourning period serves as a poignant tribute to the dedicated service of the FDS, who willingly lay down their lives to protect Niger.


Read also the article: Niger: “Only Niger counts”, a new CSO campaign to unite the people around a common ideal





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