Burkina Faso / Social networks: A new communication tool for stateless People

Under the leadership of President Captain Ibrahim Traoré, Burkina Faso has implemented a range of strategies aimed at bolstering security and thwarting terrorist threats within its borders.


Despite these efforts, terrorist groups facing increased communication difficulties have innovated new methods to maintain coordination and execute their plans, prominently utilizing social media platforms.


As military pressure and heightened governmental security measures make traditional communication channels riskier and more vulnerable to surveillance, terrorists have turned to social media as a safer and more discreet alternative.


This shift allows them to transmit messages and directives with relative anonymity, particularly beneficial when operating from areas with limited phone coverage.


To counter this evolving threat landscape, the Burkinabe government has intensified efforts to monitor online activities linked to terrorist groups.


The adaptability of these groups in leveraging digital platforms underscores the imperative for ongoing vigilance and continual adaptation of national security strategies.


Papa Ibrahima




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