Football: FIFA assesses joint Morocco-Spain-Portugal bid for 2030 World Cup

FIFA’s technical teams will visit Morocco and Spain at the end of September to inspect the joint Morocco-Spain-Portugal bid for the 2030 World Cup. This visit marks a crucial step in the selection process, with less than three months remaining before the final decision, scheduled for December 11.

The FIFA inspectors will assess stadium infrastructures, transportation capabilities, accommodation services, and security plans. Their report will significantly influence the final decision. If deficiencies are found, adjustments will be necessary to meet FIFA’s standards.

Regarding the 2026 World Cup, which will be held in the United States, Canada, and Mexico, FIFA’s technical visits assessed both existing infrastructures and ongoing projects. Inspectors examined the stadiums, accommodation capacities, and transportation systems in the three countries, leading to adjustments in the plans to ensure full compliance with FIFA’s requirements.

This tripartite bid is the only one in contention, and the three countries are working closely together to demonstrate their ability to host this global event in line with FIFA’s high standards.

Pascal Amstrong

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