Burkina Faso/Fight against Insecurity: Beware of false information!!! this is the message regularly conveyed by the Government

In Burkina Faso, direct exchanges between authorities and key figures from various localities across the country continue, aimed at mobilizing all populations around the common fight against terrorism and insecurity in all its forms. On Monday, September 16, for example, the Minister of Defense, Brigadier General Kassoum Coulibaly, was in the province of Boulsa, located in the North-Central region, to meet with local leaders and stakeholders.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces (CEMGAA), Colonel Moussa Diallo, was in Djibo, in the Sahel region, on a similar mission. He engaged with citizens, explaining the government’s strategic direction, reminding them of their role, and gathering their concerns to foster mutual understanding and close collaboration to achieve shared goals.

During every meeting, authorities reiterate to their fellow citizens the importance of staying vigilant against false information spread by the enemies of the nation, aimed at demoralizing and creating doubt in their minds. According to the authorities, this is a tactic used by adversaries to manipulate the minds of citizens, looking for weaknesses to implement their sinister plans to destabilize the country.

It is reported that this is a longstanding strategy employed by imperialists and neo-colonialists who are opposed to the total emancipation and sovereignty of Africans. Several reports have drawn parallels between recent events, particularly in the AES region, and incidents from over a decade ago in Libya, as well as historical moments in Guinea during Sékou Touré’s era and in Burkina Faso during Thomas Sankara’s leadership.

According to analysts, all revolutionary African leaders face this phase, which the national hero of Burkina Faso, Thomas Sankara, once referred to as the “non-violent phase of destabilization”. This phase involves tarnishing the image of revolutionary leaders to provoke unrest within the target population. Therefore, Burkinabe citizens are urged to remain vigilant and to be even more committed in the fight against their true enemies.

Karim Koné

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