Lionel Messi’s animated series to air on Disney+
Lionel Messi’s journey will soon be brought to life in an animated series for children, titled Messi and the Giants. Announced by Sony Music Entertainment in March 2023, the series follows a 12-year-old Leo who is transported from his native Argentina to a parallel universe.
There, he faces numerous challenges that he must overcome with the help of his teammates.
Messi, an eight-time Ballon d’Or winner, expressed his excitement about the project, highlighting its values of teamwork, perseverance, and discipline.
“I’ve always dreamed of being part of a project that would transmit the values of sport, which have been so important in my career, to young generations,” Messi shared upon the announcement.
Though the release date has not yet been revealed, Disney recently secured the broadcasting rights for the show.
Messi and the Giants will be available on Disney Channel as well as on Disney+ streaming platform, offering fans an exciting new way to experience the iconic athlete’s story.
This series is set to inspire children with the same values that have defined Messi’s remarkable career.