Togo: The Togolese government is working to provide access to drinking water for all

Under the directive of President Faure Gnassingbé, Yark Damehane, the Minister of State in charge of Water and Village Hydraulics, is dedicated to improving the well-being of the Togolese people. Recently, he launched a significant project in the Cinkasse 2 commune aimed at enhancing access to water in the Savanes region.

The project, funded by Japan in partnership with UNICEF to the tune of one billion FCFA, addresses the urgent needs of children, vulnerable adolescents, and families affected by the Sahel crisis.

By establishing ten boreholes equipped with photovoltaic pumps, the initiative aims to provide reliable access to potable water in an area grappling with severe challenges.

Moreover, the program includes the construction of toilets, the distribution of hygiene kits, and measures for the treatment and prevention of malnutrition in children under two years old.

These efforts are vital for ensuring dignified living conditions and preventing diseases.

Minister Yark Damehane emphasizes the crucial importance of access to safe drinking water and sanitation facilities in the government’s agenda.

This project builds on previous efforts, with nearly 100 water and sanitation facilities already handed over to the Savanes population last year, with support from Japan and UNICEF.

This ambitious initiative aligns with the national development goals, aiming to achieve an 85% coverage rate for potable water by 2025.

Through such initiatives, Togo is making steady progress towards a future where every citizen has access to essential resources for their well-being and prosperity.



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