DRC: Uganda, Congo’s main aggressor! Another UN fabrication or a shocking truth?

In recent times, a UN report has squarely pointed fingers at Uganda for the hardships faced by the Congolese population in North Kivu.

According to UN experts, there’s solid evidence indicating Uganda’s active backing of the M23 rebel group, with involvement alleged from key figures in the UPDF and Uganda’s military intelligence command (CMI).

The report specifically names high-ranking Ugandan army officers supposedly responsible for logistics coordination and transporting M23 leaders to areas controlled by the rebel faction.

In addition to this, there’s a steady flow of troops, vehicles, and military supplies from the M23 and RDF (Rwandan Defense Forces) passing through Ugandan territory,” the report highlights.

These accusations have been swiftly refuted by the Ugandan government, with its Foreign Affairs Minister asserting that Uganda’s role in addressing diplomatic tensions was well-known to Kinshasa and other concerned parties.

 “These renewed allegations, akin to past ones, lack merit as Uganda is a proponent of peace, not conflict, in the region,” stressed Henry Oryem Okello, the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, though without convincing many observers.

This isn’t the first instance where Uganda has been implicated in aiding the M23 rebels, with a notable case in February 2022 when the International Court of Justice ordered Uganda to pay $225 million to the DRC for various damages, including loss of lives, sexual violence, child soldier recruitment, and civilian displacements.

There were also substantial amounts designated for property and natural resource damages.

Recent indications suggest a growing distance between the Congolese government and Uganda, as evidenced by President Félix Tshisekedi’s absence from a key East African Community (EAC) meeting on June 7.

This shift may signal Kinshasa’s realization of more adversaries than allies within the EAC.

While Uganda’s alleged sponsorship of the M23 rebels draws attention, it doesn’t absolve Rwanda’s Paul Kagame of potential involvement in the challenges faced by the Congolese population.




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