Côte d’Ivoire/Health: Tramadol remains the cornerstone of public health problems

Tramadol, a commonly prescribed pain reliever, has become a significant health concern due to its potential for abuse and severe side effects. These include tremors, seizures, muscle contractions, uncoordinated movements, temporary loss of consciousness (syncope), and speech difficulties.


Health experts warn that combining Tramadol with alcohol or other non-water beverages can lead to serious health issues, such as respiratory problems and severe psychological disturbances.


This issue has been particularly prominent in Côte d’Ivoire, where the use of Tramadol has been linked to the consumption of alcoholic energy drinks by young people seeking heightened sensations.


In response, authorities imposed a ban on the sale of alcoholic energy drinks. However, this measure has inadvertently harmed the legitimate businesses of honest citizens who rely on these products for their livelihoods.


The problem persists because Tramadol remains readily available, and its misuse continues among the youth.


Given this context, it may be prudent for authorities to reconsider their approach. Rather than solely focusing on the ban of alcoholic energy drinks, a more effective strategy might involve a comprehensive crackdown on Tramadol availability and a robust public awareness campaign about the dangers of mixing toxic substances with beverages.


It’s also important to recognize that in other parts of the world, alcoholic energy drinks are consumed responsibly without the same level of risk, indicating that solutions should be tailored to address local conditions and challenges.


Sherif Touré


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