Burkina Faso / Constitutional review, strengthening diplomacy and reorganisation of the AIB: Key points of the Council of Ministers meeting of 21 August 2024

On August 21, 2024, during a Council of Ministers meeting led by Captain Ibrahim Traoré, several pivotal decisions were made that are expected to shape the future of Burkina Faso.


One of the most notable outcomes was the approval of a draft constitutional law to alter the national motto fromUnity-Progress-Justice” to “Homeland or Death, we will win.”


This shift reflects the deep-rooted patriotic spirit of the Burkinabe people and their willingness to make sacrifices for the nation.


The draft law also introduces the possibility of a parliamentary consultation to explore Burkina Faso’s potential membership in a confederation, federation, or union of states, which would further strengthen national unity.


In the area of diplomacy, the Council gave the green light for the recruitment of 11 interpreter-translators to address the growing demand and new challenges in this field.


This move aims to enhance Burkina Faso’s ability to effectively advocate for its interests on the international stage.


Additionally, the Council approved a decree that transitions the Burkina Information Agency (AIB) into a public administrative entity.


This transformation is designed to revitalize this key communication body, enabling the AIB to better fulfil its mission and bolster the country’s sovereignty over information management.


Lastly, a decree authorizing the collection of fees for certain services provided by the Ministry in charge of public liberties was passed.


This measure seeks to expand the government’s revenue base by introducing new service fees, which are essential for funding public policies and ensuring the sustainability of state programs.



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