Mali: Five-day strike by approved private schools over non-payment of school fees and half scholarships

The strike initiated by the Association of Approved Private Schools Promoters of Mali (GAPEPAM) in the general and technical secondary education sector is related to the non-payment of school fees and half-scholarships for the 2022-2023 academic year. This strike began on Monday, November 6, and is expected to last for five days, until Friday, November 10.

Members of the association believe that the Ministry of National Education has not yet disbursed the school fees and half-scholarships for the previous year.

As a result, GAPEPAM has decided to stage a work stoppage in private secondary, technical, and professional educational institutions for 120 hours.

They are demanding the full and unconditional payment of school fees and half-scholarships for the 2023-2024 academic year nationwide.

It’s important to note that approved private schools play a crucial role in the Malian education system, accommodating a significant number of students each year.

The five-day strike is aimed at exerting pressure on the government to make these payments to ensure the proper functioning of these private institutions.


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