United Nations mission to Burkina Faso to assess the humanitarian and security situation

A United Nations delegation has been in Burkina Faso since Sunday 26 November 2023 to assess the country’s humanitarian situation. The mission, led by Joyce Msuya, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator at the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, held a working session on Tuesday 28 November 2023 with a government delegation headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Olivia Rouamba.

Msuya outlined three main objectives of their visit, namely to assess how to support the humanitarian community in Burkina Faso in the face of security challenges, to express their gratitude to the government of Burkina Faso and the NGOs involved in humanitarian efforts to help displaced people, and finally, to convey key messages to the international community with a view to obtaining increased support for Burkina Faso.

For her part, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Olivia Rouamba, welcomed the commitment of the United Nations to Burkina Faso.

She spoke positively about the visit, stressing that it was a response to an invitation made the previous year and represented an opportunity to assess the concrete impact of the terrorism that has affected the country since 2015. The United Nations delegation remains in Burkina Faso to take the pulse of the humanitarian situation in relation to security challenges.


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