Burkina Faso’s Prime Minister clarifies reforms: Promoting inclusive national capitalism for all

Burkina Faso’s Prime Minister, Me Apollinaire Kyelem de Tambèla, has clarified that the reforms initiated during the Transition are not designed to disadvantage the wealthy but to foster a national capitalism that benefits the entire population.

During a dinner with Burkinabe business leaders, Prime Minister Kyelem emphasized the Transition’s goal of achieving prosperity for all citizens, advocating for accessible wealth for every Burkinabe.

He provided examples of initiatives such as the local production of decoration medals and the use of locally manufactured computers in public administration to illustrate the government’s commitment to this objective.

Addressing speculation about the Transition’s intentions, Mr Kyelem affirmed that all actions undertaken were in the best interests of Burkina Faso.

He championed the concept of «national capitalism» as a means to benefit the entire population, promoting inclusivity in economic development.

The Prime Minister extended an invitation to Burkina Faso’s economic operators to actively participate in the inaugural African Salon for Financing, Investment, and Innovation for Development (SAFID).

He emphasized the importance of collaboration between capital owners and project developers, with a focus on encouraging the involvement of national and African investors.

Dr Ferdinand Ouédraogo, the Prime Minister’s chief of staff, announced the government’s intention to co-organize SAFID with the Chamber of Commerce and other relevant bodies.

Idrissa Nassa, President of the National Employers’ Council of Burkina Faso, expressed the support of his colleagues and highlighted that the full engagement of national economic operators would naturally attract foreign investors.


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