6th Africa Korédé awards: Special Gold for President Louis Vlavonou

The 6th edition of the Africa Korédé Awards now belongs to history. The winners of this year’s awards were celebrated on Sunday 17 December 2023 at the Palais des Congrès in Cotonou in the presence of a number of leading figures from academia, the social dynamic and the private sector.
According to Dr Rodrigue Akotègnon Azonwakin, Chairman of the Scientific Committee and the Organising Committee, the 6th Africa Korédé Awards are dedicated to innovation and research in traditional medicine.
The aim, he continued, is to recognise the merit of the 18 personalities honoured, and to make them role models for young people.
«More than just a celebration, the Africa Korédé Awards are an invitation to motivation, to follow in the footsteps of our exceptional elders, to innovate in all sectors and to contribute to the development of the Beninese nation and of Africa», he explained.
«Each of the winners we are honouring today embodies success, perseverance and a commitment to excellence. Their stories inspire us. Their achievements motivate. And their dedication lights the way for a more prosperous and fulfilled Africa», said Dr Azonwakin.
The choice of President Louis Gbèhounou Vlavonou to receive the Africa Korédé Awards in the Special Gold category is justified in many respects.
At least that’s what Olourun Kossoun Rogatien Odè, President and Founder of Korédé Africa Culture International, had to say. «Louis Gbèhounou Vlavonou is a good man who deserves the honours he is receiving today. This is for everything he has done to help democracy take root in our country, and also for his spirit of openness», he said.
In addition to President Louis Gbèhounou Vlavonou, the heads of Africa Korédé Culture International also acknowledged the merit of the Honourable Cakpo Mahougnon, First Parliamentary Secretary of the Benin National Assembly.