Burkina-Faso: Ibrahim Traoré promises to crack down on «lazy» civil servants

The transitional president, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, continues to express his grand ambitions to ensure economic and social development in Burkina Faso.
The realization of these ambitions will depend largely on the civil service. This is why the president keeps taking measures to improve the performance and efficiency of the public service.
After promising severe sanctions against corruption in state institutions, which he considers akin to theft, Ibrahim Traoré also announces punitive measures for «lazy» civil servants.
The Burkinabe Head of State, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, has pledged to crack down on these «lazy» civil servants who no longer do their job, viewing the public service as a “life insurance.”
This was conveyed in a video broadcast on January 14 on national television when he addressed the presidential staff on January 8.
«Everyone must fulfill the mission for which they were recruited, which unfortunately is not the case», lamented the president, adding, «Many think that the civil service is a lifetime guarantee; they are in illusion».
He urged civil servants to fully execute the tasks assigned to them. He asked them to be courteous and respectful to users and not to accept bribes to perform their duties.
He also warned human resources managers who would not fulfill their mission properly, ensuring that recruitment is done based on needs.
In any case, the captain issued threats of sanctions and even dismissals.
The more efficient the public service, the more Burkina Faso will have the necessary means to make significant progress in various fields.
The directive remains the same: a call for improved performance and dedication to public service duties.