Burkina Faso/Peace effort: 2 000 000 Fcfa from the Council of the Sunni Movement

In terms of contributing to the Patriot Solidarity Fund, the faithful Muslims of the Sunni Mosque in Karpala, Ouagadougou, played their part by donating two million (2,000,000) CFA francs. This contribution responds to the call made by the Head of State, Captain Ibrahim TRAORE, for the improvement of living conditions and the equipment of the Volunteer Defense Forces (VDP).
The receipt for the payment of this amount was handed over on Tuesday, January 16, to the Delegate Minister in charge of Security, Commissioner of Police Mahamadou SANA, by a delegation from the Sunni movement council.
This is their way of supporting and encouraging the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) and the VDP who are fighting daily on the frontlines.
On this occasion, the leader of the Sunni movement council delegation, Dr. Ahmad SAWADOGO, issued a call to every Burkinabe.
It is an appeal for each citizen to be a VDP in their own way and to engage alongside the fighting forces in the fight against the forces of evil and for the reconquest of the entire national territory.
There is also an urgent need to denounce these wrongdoers within the country who are always ready and attempt by all means to undermine the security of the state for their own interests.
It is unfortunate to note that the threat of a coup against the regime of Captain Ibrahim TRAORE persists.
It is crucial for every conscientious and upright Burkinabe citizen to find ways and means to thwart the Machiavellian plans of these enemies of the nation.