Burkina Faso: The current situation does not allow elections to be held

The question of elections in Burkina Faso remains a major concern for various stakeholders, both political and civilian, as well as regional and international entities.

President Ibrahim Traoré once again addressed this issue on Tuesday during an interview.

His response to the election matter was crystal clear. According to Ibrahim Traoré, organizing elections in Burkina Faso in the current situation is not feasible. «How can we organize elections at this moment? » he questioned.

He emphasized the need for a minimum level of security to enable politicians to campaign freely and safely across the country.

The president stressed that the people should be free to choose their president, but it should be done in a secure environment.

Ibrahim Traoré had previously assured the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) of his commitment to ensuring a conducive environment for free, transparent, and fair elections.

According to the president, security takes precedence over elections as a priority.

While some pseudo-democrats may see Ibrahim Traoré’s efforts as an excuse to remain in power for an extended period, he enjoys unwavering support from his people.

The Burkinabe people understand the shadowy practice of so-called democratic elections used by imperialists to install their pawns in power.

The people remain committed to reclaiming their territory, and nothing can distract them.

The struggle for the liberation of Burkina Faso continues, and those who want to talk about hypocritical democracy must cease financing terrorism in Africa.




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