Niger / Benin: Time to raise awareness for Patrice Talon?

Since late 2023, Benin, under President Patrice Talon’s leadership, has chosen to normalize its relations with the government in Niger, aiming to restore cross-border trade disrupted since the events of late July 2023.

President Patrice Talon announced during a press conference on Thursday, February 8, that Benin was about to reopen its borders with Niger.

«If all goes well, by next week or in the coming weeks, the borders between the two states will be open for the happiness of the citizens of both countries», he stated.

This announcement echoes a previous statement by the Beninese Head of State, who expressed openness to restoring bilateral relations with countries that have experienced coups d’état.

In late 2023, the Autonomous Port of Cotonou lifted the ban on goods in transit to Niger, a few months after the border closure following ECOWAS instructions.

This decision was motivated by the accumulation of goods clogging PAC facilities.

Benin’s approach signifies a willingness to restore commercial exchanges and diplomatic ties with Niger, thereby promoting stability and regional development.

The reopening of borders between the two countries will also contribute to strengthening economic cooperation and people-to-people exchanges in a post-crisis recovery context.



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