TOGO/ Legislative and regional elections: The Council of Ministers sets 13 April 2024 as the date for the elections

In Togo, the upcoming legislative and regional elections are set to take place on April 13, 2024. The decision was made during a Cabinet meeting on Thursday, February 8, 2024, under the presidency of Head of State Faure Gnassingbé.

The decree convening the electoral body was issued during the session under the leadership of President Faure Gnassingbé.

These elections will be held on Saturday, April 13, 2024, across the entire national territory according to the presidential decree.

Another decree, published during the Cabinet meeting, allocates the seats of Members of Parliament in the National Assembly based on electoral constituencies.

The decree thus formalizes the allocation of seats in the National Assembly, increasing the number of deputies to 113 from the current 91 in the current legislature.

«Taking into account the establishment of each prefecture as an electoral constituency and considering geographical, demographic, and specific criteria, the decree adopted today increases the number of electoral constituencies from 30 to 39 and, on the other hand, allocates the 113 seats per electoral constituency», explained the government.

The organization of the legislative and regional elections in 2024 required amendments to the electoral code to include provisions allowing for the conduct of multiple elections.

Distribution of the 113 deputies

The next National Assembly resulting from the April 13 elections will see a modification in the number of deputies.

22 deputies will be added to the current 91 in the legislature. The Organic Law No. 2024-002 of January 31, 2024, increased the number of deputies from 91 to 113.

In accordance with this law, a decree was issued on Thursday, distributing the seats of deputies based on electoral constituencies.

The decree, adopted by President Faure Gnassingbé in the Cabinet meeting, takes into account the establishment of each prefecture as an electoral constituency and considers geographical, demographic, and specific criteria.

It increases the number of electoral constituencies from 30 to 39 and, on the other hand, allocates the 113 seats per electoral constituency.

According to the distribution, Grand Lomé takes the lion’s share with 14 seats, including 8 for the Golfe electoral constituency and 6 for the Agoè-Nyivé constituency.

Maritime Region

  • Golfe (08 seats)
  • Agoè-Nyivé (06 seats)
  • Avé (02 seats)
  • Yoto (03 seats)
  • Vo (03 seats)
  • Lacs (03 seats)
  • Bas-Mono (02 seats)
  • Zio (04 seats)

Plateaux Region

  • Agou (2)
  • Akébou (2)
  • Amou (3)
  • Anié (2)
  • Danyi (2)
  • Est-Mono (3)
  • Haho (4)
  • Kloto (3)
  • Moyen-Mono (2)
  • Ogou (4)
  • Wawa (2)
  • Kpélé (2)

Central Region

  • Blitta (4)
  • Mô (2)
  • Sotouboua (3)
  • Tchamba (3)
  • Tchaoudjo (4)

Kara Region

  • Kozah (4)
  • Assoli (2)
  • Bassa (3)
  • Binah (2)
  • Dankpen (3)
  • Doufelgou (2)
  • Kéran (3)

Savanes Region

  • Cinkassé (2)
  • Kpendjal (2)
  • Kpendjal-Ouest (2)
  • Oti (2)
  • Oti-Sud (2)
  • Tandjouaré (2)
  • Tône (4).

Kodjo Messanh

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