Mali: A terrorist leader neutralised by the army in the Niono sector

On February 14, 2024, the Malian army executed a successful operation in the Niono sector of the Ségou region, resulting in the neutralization of a local leader belonging to the Macina Katiba. This leader was directly responsible for numerous civilian casualties.

The operation’s success can be attributed to precise intelligence that enabled the identification of the terrorist group’s base.

The army swiftly and effectively intervened, neutralizing not only the terrorist leader but also several of his accomplices.

The eradicated terrorist leader had been implicated in numerous atrocities against the local population, including brutal attacks on the villages of Kolodougou Koro and Moussa Wère.

His elimination brings a sense of relief to the people of the region who have endured prolonged suffering from terrorist violence.

This operation serves as a testament to the relentless efforts of the Malian army in combating terrorism and prioritizing the safety of the civilian population.

It marks a significant triumph in the ongoing battle against armed groups operating in central Mali.

The swift and precise execution of this mission reflects the commitment of the Malian armed forces to maintaining security and safeguarding the well-being of the communities affected by terrorist activities.

Read again: Mali: Members of the Inter-Malian Dialogue Steering Committee take up their duties


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