Togo: Major investment in infrastructure and healthcare, a decisive step towards inclusive development

Under the enlightened leadership of His Excellency President Faure Gnassingbé, the Togolese government remains committed to realizing its vision for a prosperous and inclusive Togo. In line with this vision, a series of ambitious initiatives have been launched to address the essential needs of Togolese citizens, particularly in rural areas and for the most vulnerable social groups.

The recent launch of over 90 bridge and hospital construction projects is a testament to the government’s strong commitment to opening up rural regions and ensuring access to basic socio-economic services for all citizens.

These infrastructure projects, jointly funded by the Togolese government and our strategic partner, France, represent a significant investment in Togo’s future, totaling 73.3 billion CFA francs.

The 21 new modular bridges, spread across the country’s five economic regions, will not only facilitate the movement of goods and people but also stimulate local economic development.

Collaborating with local businesses to carry out these projects will also ensure job creation and capacity building at the community level.

Simultaneously, the construction of 70 new health facilities in the Plateaux, Kara, and Central regions marks a significant step toward achieving universal health coverage in Togo.

These health centers will play a crucial role in providing quality healthcare to the most vulnerable populations, in line with the Universal Health Insurance (UHI) project, which is now fully operational.

The Togolese government reaffirms its unwavering commitment to the well-being of all its citizens.

These initiatives demonstrate our shared determination to build a better future for Togo, where every individual, regardless of their circumstances, has the opportunity to reach their full potential.




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