Burkina-Faso: The people support the transition in its efforts to secure the country and promote endogenous development

Under President Ibrahim Traoré’s leadership, the people of Burkina Faso are showcasing an unprecedented level of patriotic dedication. This surge of national pride marks a historic moment in the country’s history, with citizens of all ages passionately expressing their love for their nation.

The collective effort is evident in various initiatives aimed at combating terrorism, establishing a patriotic support fund, and implementing presidential programs for agricultural and community development.

These initiatives, spearheaded by President Ibrahim Traoré, have garnered widespread support and enthusiasm from the Burkinabe population.

The Patriotic Support Fund has seen a remarkable mobilization of 31 billion CFA francs during the first quarter of 2024, highlighting the strong backing for the transitional government.

Notably, the community of Samogohiri in Kénédougou has rallied to raise over 4 million CFA francs, demonstrating their solidarity with the government’s efforts to enhance national security and foster local development.

Through the Presidential Initiative for Community Development, communities have heeded the president’s call, initiating local projects for grassroots development.

In Ouagadougou’s various districts, a collaborative effort involving economic stakeholders, business leaders, and community associations has led to infrastructure improvements and a cleaner living environment.

These endeavors significantly contribute to the nation’s progress, aligning with President Ibrahim Traoré’s visionary agenda.

This surge of citizen engagement is a testament to the president’s unwavering commitment to transform Burkina Faso into a new, liberated, and sovereign nation.

The overwhelming support from the people reflects their trust in Captain Ibrahim Traoré’s leadership, his ability to actualize his vision for Burkina Faso, and his dedication to advancing the nation’s interests while meeting the aspirations of its citizens.



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