Togo / President Faure Gnassingbé: Visionary of Ecological change in African Kitchens

In the realm of diplomacy and leadership, discretion often conceals considerable influence. President Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé of Togo embodies this rare blend of composure and impact.

 His recent participation in the inaugural Global Clean Cooking Summit in Africa, held in France on May 14th, perfectly illustrates his commitment to silent yet crucial initiatives for the future of his country and the continent as a whole.

Organized by the African Development Bank Group (AfDB) and the International Energy Agency, this event provided a global platform for the Togolese head of state.

Addressing a prestigious audience of heads of state, governments, and influential figures, H.E. Faure Gnassingbé advocated for a transition to cleaner cooking methods in Africa.

In his address, the President underscored the challenges posed by traditional cooking methods, such as the use of open fires or stoves fuelled by firewood or charcoal, which result in harmful emissions of carbon monoxide.

These practices not only threaten the environment but also limit prospects for green growth and social development on the continent.

To address this situation, President Faure Gnassingbé advocated for the popularization of liquefied gas cooking, electric cooking, and improved stoves.

He also called for increased financial support for carbon credit-related projects, highlighting the crucial role of governments in this transition towards more sustainable solutions.

The Togolese President expressed his belief that the involvement of public authorities, combined with private sector engagement, is essential to ensuring the success of this initiative.

He also emphasized Africa’s potential to make a significant contribution to greenhouse gas emission reduction through the adoption of cleaner cooking practices.

President Faure Gnassingbé’s participation in this global summit demonstrates his discreet yet determined leadership in sustainable development.

 His voice, amplified at this event, reflects his commitment to a cleaner and more sustainable future for Africa and the world.


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