Burkina Faso/Counter-terrorism: Further proof that criminals have military uniforms at their disposal

In Burkina Faso, it has been proven time and again that the terrorists sometimes dress up in military garb, especially when they want the valiant combatants to bear the brunt of their abuses against the civilian population.

This new image was taken following combat operations carried out over the last few days in several localities in Burkina Faso. In the east of the country, in particular in the Fada N’Gourma area.

Intense operations have enabled the fighters to neutralise several terrorists and recover war logistics.

According to information received, the locations concerned are: fada N’gourma, Djibo, the Boulsa area, Django, Nassoumbou and Koogo near Ouargaye.

The VDP, the soldiers of the 12th and 19th rapid intervention battalions, those of the 14th RIA and the special forces intervention unit successfully fought against the armed terrorist groups, destroying their hideouts.

As far as the military uniforms are concerned, it is clear that it is these criminals, disguised as Burkinabe soldiers, who are going to commit perfidious acts against civilians, making them believe that they are the valiant Burkinabe soldiers.

NGOs and international actors are not hesitating to use these false images and false testimonies to accuse the brave fighters.

It is up to the people of Burkina Faso to be discerning and to understand that all these NGOs, international players and their terrorist accomplices want is to slow down the momentum of the fight in which the country is engaged, and to take advantage of the opportunity to regain the upper hand.

So, the commitment and determination of the people  against the terrorists and for the liberation and sovereignty of Burkina  Faso must be unwavering.


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