Togo: Increased security at checkpoints on the Lomé – Ouagadougou – Niamey corridor

The collaboration between Togo and the countries of the Sahel Alliance (AES) is growing stronger each day. On Friday, June 14, a steering committee meeting for the Lomé-Ouagadougou-Niamey Economic Corridor Project (PCE-LON) was held in Lomé, bringing together transport ministers from the three countries involved: Togo, Burkina Faso, and Niger.

The primary objective of this meeting was to address the security challenges at the checkpoints along this crucial corridor.

During the discussions, the delegations examined the progress of the project in each country, identified challenges faced, proposed solutions, and made recommendations.

Following these exchanges, significant decisions were made, including adapting checkpoints to meet current security requirements.

Additionally, it was decided to involve representatives from defense and security ministries in project implementation and to revitalize national transport facilitation and interstate transit committees.

Togo and Burkina Faso have already taken concrete steps to address roadblocks along the corridor, including extending operating hours at the Cinkassé Joint Control Post (JCP).

This strategic corridor, spanning 1065 km, is vital for the supply chain of the three countries and plays a crucial role in their respective economies.

It is worth noting that Togo has also participated in joint military exercises with AES countries, demonstrating the collective commitment of the region’s nations to address growing security challenges, particularly related to the presence of terrorist groups in West Africa.


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