Niger – Benin: Towards the establishment of a tripartite commission to restore normal relations

Following the recent visit of the two former Presidents of Benin, Nicéphore Soglo and Dr. Boni Yayi, to Niamey to engage with Nigerien authorities on the prevailing crisis between Benin and Niger, the CNSP issued a public statement commending the approach and efforts of these former Presidents towards restoring normalcy in the situation.


The statement highlights that the audience granted to the two former Presidents of Benin took place in the presence of the Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance, Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine, Brigadier General Mohamed Toumba, Minister of State for Interior, Public Security, and Territorial Administration, and Dr. Soumana Boubacar, Minister and Chief of Staff to the President.


During the meeting, Presidents Nicéphore Soglo and Boni Yayi advocated for a swift return to the fraternal and longstanding relations between the two countries.


According to the statement, the two former Presidents of Benin particularly emphasized the need for constructive dialogue between Beninese and Nigerien authorities to resolve all differences.


In response to the requests of his predecessors, President Abdourahamane Tiani agreed to the establishment of a tripartite commission aimed at restoring normal relations to ensure mutual security and facilitate the resumption of socio-economic exchanges in a peaceful political climate.


This tripartite commission will include representatives from the Beninese government, representatives from the Nigerien government, and the two former Presidents of the Republic of Benin.


Former Presidents Nicéphore Soglo and Boni Yayi urged Nigerien authorities to reciprocate by sending a high-level delegation to meet with Beninese authorities.


Hopefully, these discussions will proceed in a friendly atmosphere to definitively close this dark chapter.



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