Trade: Is the fate of certain brands of alcoholic energy drinks sealed?

For several months now, certain brands of energy and alcoholic drinks have been pulled from the market in various African countries.
In Côte d’Ivoire, for example, the suspension of commercial activities for these beverages was initially intended to last only a few months, providing time for authorities and economic operators to reach an agreement.
However, it has become evident that several months have passed without any resolution.
Both merchants and consumers are left wondering when these popular products will return to the market.
Is this silence an indication that there might be no favorable outcome for these energy and alcoholic drinks in the country?
To recap, these beverages faced a ban due to a negative publicity campaign that tarnished their reputation. False information had circulated, claiming that these alcoholic energy drinks posed health risks to consumers.
Meanwhile, competing companies have continued to sell similar products without any repercussions.
This situation suggests that the suspended products might be victims of unfair competition, with authorities allegedly influenced by rival companies eager to dominate the lucrative market for these popular drinks, especially among the youth.